Name Board for Tasha

A3 Illustration for a wonderful person called Natasha, Tasha to all who know and love her.   her.

Helen of Troy illustration

Troy illustration

The most beautiful woman in the world according to Greek myth, the result of the king of the gods Zeus and a brief liaison with Leda (she turned herself into a swan to avoid him – as you do). Her elopement and seeming kidnap caused the Trojan war and its destruction. A2 in size, hand […]

Another Somm Plaudit

Hot on the heels of the Wintereisse CD plaudit we received the following from Penelope (Penny) Thwaites – the hugely talented Australian based pianist – another SOMM artist: I initially had my reservations about the cover design, but I really like it now and many people have commented favourably on it. So compliments to the […]

It’s nice when people say thank you!

cd cover design

Human nature, being what it is, all too frequently you only hear when there is a problem or a complaint… something is not quite right or there is a problem (despite there being proofs aplenty along the way). So isn’t it both heartening and uplifting when someone not just says ‘thank you’ but says its […]

Best Kept Volvo

Volvo owners club

The Volvo Owners’ Club has a huge following amongst the classic car community – as well as those who own a more modern model. Once a year they hold a BKV (the Best Kept Volvo), this year the winner was this stunning 1800. Exactly the same car was used in the 1960s for the Saint […]

YMCA Battle of the Bands

Every couple of years the Hastings YMCA at St Paul’s Road (off Bohemia Road) hosts a ‘Battle of the Bands’. As of today there are entries but names are not released until the day. Come and take part, or just to enjoy the talent, enthusiasm and desire to create music. To enter phone 01424 429677, […]

Welcome back English Medieval Festival

Draw map, illustrate map

A large and hearty ‘Hail fellow well met’ to the English Medieval Festival which returns after a few fallow years (thank you covid). A new venue and a slightly different set of events but the same weekend and format. We have designed a new map for them, next year a new programme. This year, as […]

New Vintners’ annual review

We  have designed the Vintners’ annual review for a few years now. The City livery company, one of the big 12, will this year have a new look which is still ongoing. Below are a few of the covers proposed. The colour and font must be used as their corporate style; the final design is […]

We are now on instagram !!

We are now on Instagram showing the recent artwork of Chris Monk There will be a constant feed of artwork and details of artwork added from now on ! Go to ChrisMonkArt