Oh dear

  Its been a bit of a wierd week. A couple of examples: A customer says can we raise his logo by 1/100th of a millimeter and it will be fine (less than half the width of a human hair for an A4 advert). A customer asks: “Can I have a new proof”. Our answer […]

Some SOMM Summer CDs

We have been busy creating some (SOMM ?) content for SOMM, the independent music CD publisher. For each title (two a month) a cover, booklet, tray inlay and label. The aim is for a varied selection – all within brand – which are interesting, beautiful and stand out visually.

European Medical Writers’ new writing guide

European Medical Writers Guide

The European Medical Writers Association (EMWA) has been a trade association for all medical writers, both within Europe and beyond for nearly 30 years. They have just updated their guide to medical writing for both print and internet download. Comprehensively updated, enhanced, enlarged and improved. Designed by us from inception through to printing. 24 pages […]

YMCA new Annual Review

The Hastings and Rother YMCA, the ‘Y Centre’, has been hosting and accommodating sports activities since 1968. We have designed a new booklet highlighting its activities since it received the [late] Queen’s Award for Volunteering. A joint Annual Review, fund raising overview and publicity guide. Designed from inception through to printing. 12 pages A4, full […]

A new website for Musical Opinion


Musical Opinion magazine is the world’s oldest dedicated to classical music that is still trading. In continuous production since 1877, never missing an edition despite recession, slump, world war and changing times. Changing times means that its website, first instigated in 2015 has become increasingly outdated and dare we say it antiquated. We have designed […]

Willow and Jack

Willow and Jack is a new company (established 2022) selling cleaning products, especially dispensers for hands: their supply and the specialist cleansers that they use; foam, gel and soap. We designed a new brochure for them listing the products, their properties and how they work. The imagery highlights the founder’s South African heritage. Supplied as […]

Raaft decking

Raaft is Sussex based manufacturing company which designs, produces and retails decking solutions for [mainly] business customers. We have produced a range of brochures and data sheets for them covering different aspects – their preparation, assembly, different permutations etc. About a dozen in total. Not printed, purely pdf downloads from their website and to be […]

Somm records

Somm records is a highly regarded independent CD producer: recording, distributing and publicising classical music to a hugely appreciative market. Typically two releases a month using established and very reputable singers and orchestras for well and less know composers – across many centuries, for mainstream and less, so both breadth and depth. The latest two […]

Life stories

  Life Stories are now an established therapy tool for those in care, so mainly for under 18 year old. These help establish a narrative for those in a difficult situation in their lives to fully understand how they got to the stage that it is and perhaps a route out. Therapeutic Life Story Work […]

A new redesign for the Wheelwrights

The City livery company, The Honourably Company of Wheelwrights has been in existance for centuries. Because of covid they have not felt the need for an annual review as frankly they haven’t really done that much – certainly not worth mentioning (except of course their not insignificant charitable giving). We recently undertook to redesign this […]