Insufix logo

  A new logo for the Rapid Ramp company, insufix is a range of fixings for the clamps that hold their ramps together. Mark, their boss professes himself ‘well pleased’.

Christmas Greetings

We wish all customers, past and present, a Happy Christmas and a prosperous peaceful New Year. We are shut from 2pm 23rd December until 9am Tuesday 3rd January. If there is anything utgent then yes of course phone on 07976 606 494.

A redesign for the Fruiterers

The City livery company, The Honourably Company of Fruiterers has been in existance for centuries. We have been designing their quarterly newsletter for a fraction of that time but still a few years now. We recently undertook to redsign this with a new look, it is now redesigned to look more contemporary: cleaner, easier to […]

A new logo for the St Barnabas Centre

The St Barnabas Centre in Oldham caters for all, young and old, Christian and not, all ethnicities and sexualities. Their new centre / hub needed an identity to cater for all of these groups and sub groups – a distinct look, welcoming and at the same time distinct. This logo, a sterotype of a person […]

A Bad Night in Los Angeles

Musical Opinion is the longest continuously published magazine dedicated to classical music in the entire world – started in 1877. Its current editor, Robert Matthew-Walker, is a renowned composer in his own right. His latest release, one of very many, is on the SOMM lable named ‘A Bad Night in Los Angeles’. We were more […]

Liven up a dull map

We do lots of work for the local YMCA. Tonight they have a gala evening celebrating their award of the Queen’s Award for Volunteering. This map is a quick and fun way of showing how to get there.  

The European Medical Writers Association

  We have been designing the European Medical Writers Assocation’s house magazine, Medical Writing, since 2016. They are an exacting and precise crowd so when they say the following our hearts were warmed: “BTW, the issue looks absolutely beautiful. I think it may be the most visually attractive issue we have put out yet since […]

RIP Her Maj

It is of course with the greatest sadly that Her Majesty has died after a long and hugely influential reign. One of our longer term customers, Rapid Ramp Systems, was contracted to construct one of their flexible ramps for the accessible queue for the lying in state. We have been working with Rapid Ramps, and […]

‘aint it nice

It was a pleasant surprise this week to receive a ‘voucher copy’ (the printed version of a recently completed magazine) from the ACU, The Association of Commonwealth Universities, to see that they have changed my job title. Thank you to lovely the lovely Emily – helpful, organised and all round good egg.

Photopia exhibition

Its always a pleasure when a new customer phones out of the blue needing something at a minute’s notice and we can do just that, a 36 page exhibition guide for a photographic exhibtion at the Hastings Stade Gallery. From start to finish, a stylish guide for an immanent exhibtion designed and delivered. To avoid […]