The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

Just once in a while you become involved in something special. We have been designing brochures, flyers and posters for the Hastings YMCA – known as the Y Centre – for 20 years. Its probably now the most high profiles if not downright successful YMCA along the south  coast (profile not profit as that is […]

200 years of Shorthorn Cattle

The Shorthorn Cattle Breeders are celebrating a two hundredth year anniversary. Its two centuries since they started the world’s oldest cattle breed society. This year’s annual conference, the first after covid, is a bigger better and more prestigious event so there is a 32 page catalogue to mark the event. Quote from Breed Secretary Ros […]

Celebrating 175 Years of Waterhead Church

A modern new church in Oldham’s Waterhead area, Lancashire, was a long held dream that finally started a few years before 1847. In that year the new church was consecrated. It has seen wars and different governments, the introduction of tv and internet and changed quite a bit itself – the famous spire being added […]

Welcome back Hastings Carnival

  Whilst it was expected, its great to hear that the Carnival and the associated Hastings Week round of events is officially back. Last fully up to steam in 2019 these were heavily curtailed in 2020 and 2021 but are now fully scheduled and organised for 2022. Expect guided tours; history events; exhibitions; and much […]

Adieu Herstmonceux

It is with sadness that we report the end of the Herstmonceux Medieval Festival. After 27 very successful years covid shut down the open air gathering in 2020 and its successor in 2021. For 2022 the ancient castle, in whose grounds the festival has been celebrated and enjoyed, has said that they no longer wish […]

‘Repairing’ photos

Sometimes we receive an image which, for a whole variety of reasons is not as you would like. Perhaps its a bit dark, or too light, the subject has a large spot on the end of  their nose. etc … Occasionally it goes beyond that… the photo is plain not very good but – here […]

A new edition of Wool Producer

The Spring edition of Wool Producer is now finished. Wool has been one of the most important industries for this country since before Roman Times. In medieval times most of the City Livery Companies were cloth related with the Wool Men foremost amongst them. To this day the Lord Chancellor in the House of Lords […]

A new issue of Forage Matters

This year’s edition of Forage Matters We design Forage Matters once a year (and have done so since 2000). This is inserted free as an insert into each issue of the quarterly Sheep Breeder, Beef Farmer and Cattle Breeder – all are Shepherd Publishing titles. This year’s edition is 24 pages, full of information for […]