EMWA’s Spring edition just published

The European Medical Writers Association (EMWA)’s Spring edition has the theme of Sustainable Communications. An important issue for an important industry. We have been designing this quarterly since 2016.

The latest edition of Musical Opinion celebrates Ukraine

The new edition of Musical Opinion, just published, celebrates all things Ukraine with a main story and cover picture of celebrated composer Sergei Prokofiev. Many think he was Russian but was actually born in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. Most famous for his Romeo and Juliet ballet, music which all will know from TV’s The […]

Hello to Woodlands Bakeaway

A warm welcome to Sally Napier and her company Woodlands Bakeaway. We have designed a new logo for her reflecting a Victorian thoroughness and attention to detail.Uses will include their website, stationery and of course packaging. www.woodlandsbakeaway.comĀ